Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut showcases a creation from designer duo Prriya and Chintans’ spring summer collection under the Hi-5 duo show at the ‘India Fashion Week’ in New Delhi on Sunday, September 09, 2007. She is one of the gorgeous actress of bollywood. Check out hot Kangana Ranaut in this low neck dress and showing her cleavage.
Actors lead a hectic life and Kangana Ranauat is no exception. Just recently, the young lady bought herself a double bedroom flat in Bandra and to be part of happiness, her parents came down all the way from Manali to Mumbai. But their daughter didn’t have time to spend with them. “She was busy shooting and travelling. Kangana was in Istanbul shooting for Roshan and then in Malaysia,” says a source close to the actress. The result was, her parents had to leave without getting to spend much time with her. “She had no time at all to be with them. So now Kangana after completing her schedule, has taken 15 days break to be with her parents in Manali. She will return back to the city after spending quality time with them,” the source reveals.
Kangana’s weather woesKangana Ranaut’s joy of shooting songs for Samir Karnik’s ‘Roshan’ in home state Himachal Pradesh was short-lived after capricious weather played spoil sport. The unit had to return without canning the scenes and will now head for Mauritius.
“We had gone to Manali to shoot songs for Samir’s ‘Roshan’. We chose an untouched location far away in the hills. How were we to know that we’d have to return without shooting the songs?” asks Kangana.
Hailing from the Himachal, Kangana actually was pretty ecstatic at the locations chosen. “But our joy was soon gone when it began to rain. Bobby (Deol) and I were stuck in a tent in the middle of nowhere for almost a week,” Kangana said. “We’d rush out when the rain stopped. But as soon the camera was set up and we got into position we’d have to rush back into the tent,” she added.
Eventually, the unit had to comply with the meteorological moodiness. “The direc tor turned the song into a rain-oriented number. But guess what happened? The torrential rains then decided to turn into a drizzle. The rushes looked like scratches on the camera lenses. Now we’ll be shooting in Mauritius next month. Let’s hope the rain gods will be kinder there,” she complaints.
She’s already acknowledged as a powerhouse actress where emoting is concerned, but did you know that Kangna Ranaut also excels in designing clothes - for herself, we mean. Yes, the actress designs almost 90 per cent of her clothes, be it on screen or off it, and is already setting trends. And of course, having such a great body, half her work is already done for her. We don’t know if the other designers are feeling left out though. But one thing is for sure, Kangna’s supermodel body, talent and star presence is a combination that is hard to resist. No wonder, director Sameer Karnik has recently signed her for his next film opposite Bobby Deol. Sure, Kangna is fast becoming any filmmaker’s delight.
Kangana Ranaut claims to be undergoing a lifestyle change. She’s spending time meditating and doing yoga. She says, “I believe in Karamyoga. The idea is not to get Moksha, but to awaken my subconscious mind. I have given up salt, alc0hol, physic@l relationships and even my friend circle. I will get married and have kids at the right time. I wear only white clothes these days.”
The actor insists that she is not exactly a yogi. She says, “Right now I am completely into my work, meditation and pranayam and classical singing. It gives me tremendous joy. I have been into meditation and yoga since I was 13, but that was a restless age. Today at 20, I feel more responsible. But I am not some kind of yogi. If you see me at public events or on the sets, you will hardly know what I am going through in my personal life.”
Kangana has her reasons for choosing this path. She says, “Life here is so stressful, I don’t want to lose my innocence, which I possessed when I came to Mumbai. People might sneer that I’m trying to become a saint at this age but one has to preserve oneself in this world.”
“It was like one of those delayed reactions. Only now I realise how close I was to death,” Kangana trembles at the memory. On Monday morning Kangana and a host of Bollywood’s dignitaries including Shiamak Davar and his dance troupe were aboard a flight bringing them back from an Bollywood award event held in Yorkshire. Shudders Kangana, “The flight back to Mumbai was via Delhi. We landed in Delhi in the morning. Immediately after take-off from Mumbai the aircraft started to act funny, and it was brought back to Delhi. We were told to disembark. But nobody was in the mood. Look, we had all been out of the country at a hectic event, performing, giving and receiving awards, sightseeing, dancing. Everyone just wanted to get home. I had my sister Rangoli waiting for me. I badly wanted to see her.” After all the passengers were forced to disembark some of the Bollywood passengers objected strongly. Says Kangana, “After four hours of delay we were finally put back on the same aircraft and brought to Mumbai. The funniest thing was even when I was on my way to Yorkshire our flight got delayed because of a snag. I wonder if I carry snags with me when I fly,” she jokes. Kangana had a ball in Yorkshire. She’s back to a truck load of rumours. “I’m supposed to have badmouthed Aamir Khan and I’m supposed to be seeing an Akshay from the industry. Will someone tell me if it’s Akshaye Khanna or Akshay Kumar? I find both very h0t.”
Kangana Ranaut comes from the hill town of Manali in Himachal Pradesh. She did her schooling from Shimla.Studying as a science student in Shimla, Kangana had never thought that one day she would work in a film under a reputed banner in Bollywood. But she did harbour a dream of acting, a dream that brought her to Delhi where she learnt acting while doing theatre.Then Kangana took another step and came to Mumbai to try her luck in films. Her lucky break did not come straightaway, but after a while when Kangana had already tried unsuccessfully to make an entry into the tinsel town.It happened in September 2005, when Kangana was drinking coffee with one of her friends at a café in Mumbai. Filmmaker Anurag Basu , who had already directed a successful film, Murder , was keeping an open eye for the heroine of his next movie Gangster .It was there Basu spotted Kangana and called her for the audition. Despite the fact that Kangana is not from a filmi background and has no real acting experience, Basu decided to cast her in his film. The rest, as they say, is history.
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